Tasks Sub-Tab: Work Order Module

The Tasks page is displayed by default when you first access the Tasks tab. This page provides a checklist of all tasks assigned to the work order. If the work order is associated with a preventive maintenance procedure, the set of tasks defined for that procedure will be listed.

The tasks listed can be organized into groupings with a header separating the groups. Additional display options are available, as defined in the Procedures module.

Tasks designated as Tracked Tasks will be preceded by a Task icon . As tracked tasks are marked complete, records are created for the associated asset to keep a record of the last time the task was completed. The tracked task history is maintained on the asset’s Tracked Tasks page. This feature allows you to keep track of specific task activity, as work order history only identifies the procedure that was completed.

Vehicle maintenance provides a good example of the value of this feature. An oil change is a task that is beneficial to track that is often included on multiple procedures—such as the 15,000 service, 30,000 service, and so on. If the task was not marked as tracked, the Work Order History for the associated asset would only show the history of the general service, not when the oil change was last performed.

To track the more specific activity, the oil change task could be marked as a tracked task. Then each time the task was marked as complete, regardless of the procedure being performed, the asset's Tracked Tasks would be updated.

The Tasks page can include tasks for assets other than the one associated with this work order. Linked assets can be added directly from the Work Order Tasks page, or populated from a defined PM Procedure. If a task has been defined for another asset, the Asset Name and ID will be displayed preceding any task description. Assets manually linked through this Tasks tab will typically have a Task Number of 0, ensuring they appear at the top of the list. Assets linked through a defined procedure will have the task number that was assigned in the procedure.

As each of these tasks is marked as complete, the work order history, specifications, and meter readings will be updated on the designated asset. For more information, see: Add a Linked Asset and Tasks Sub-Tab – Procedures Module

Options to add, remove, or modify tasks are available from this page. In addition, there are options to complete tasks, fail tasks, and mark tasks as not applicable. There is also an Action menu to perform other global functions.

ClosedField Definitions

The following fields/columns are displayed in the Tasks Check List. The Task Check List is configured by each organization to mirror their business process, so the fields displayed vary.

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) only display if configured to do so.

  • Task #: Number associated with the task. Tasks can be reordered by editing the number of the task.

  • Description: Description of what the task includes. You can include images, tables, and more.

    Tasks designated as tracked tasks will be preceded by a task icon. As tracked tasks are marked complete, records are created for the associated asset to keep a historical record of the specific task. The tracked task history is maintained on the asset’s Tracked Tasks page.

  • Image(s)*: Images associated with the task. Depending on configuration settings, one, two, or no image options will display.

  • Craft*: Craft recommended for completion of the task.

  • Est Time*: Estimated time to complete the task. This value will be automatically populated from an associated procedure.

  • Actual Time*: Actual time required to complete the task.

  • Condition Rating*: The condition attributed to the asset.

  • Initial Reading* / Final Reading: Initial and final readings, if required and tool used to perform reading. When final meter or spec readings are recorded, these readings are populated into the associated asset.

    If the specification for the associated asset indicates that a work order should be created upon failure, a final meter reading out of range will automatically generate a work order to address the problem.

  • Initials: Initials of the individual performing the task.

  • Failure: A check box to indicate if the equipment failed the test / task. If the task has been designated as failed, a red x will appear in the column in the table.

  • N/A: A check box to indicate if the task is not applicable. This option provides a method to indicate that the task did not need to be completed at this time.

    Marking a task as not applicable satisfies the requirement to have all tasks complete prior to completing the work order. If the task has been designated as N/A, a gray check will appear in the column.

  • Complete: A check box to indicate that the task is complete. An editing control is also available to allow you to add a task comment.

  • Comment: If a task comment has been added to the task, the comment will be displayed in a row below the task. If the comment is associated with a failed task, the comment will be displayed in red.

    The ellipses icon on the far right is used to add a comment.